Our School Council
From the Principal
The school council works as a team to enhance all learning opportunities for our students. Our council is made up of elected members from our community; parents, school staff, community members, and we love to have our Junior School Council (JSC) members represented when the meeting calls for it.
Our School Council
Our School Council provides an important conduit for the school to engage meaningfully with our community, parents, staff, and students and meets every month to discuss and decide on a range of items relating to school governance.
Get in touch with us by calling the school or via email wattle.glen.ps@education.vic.gov.au for more information or to express your interest. We are always looking for willing workers, parents, and members of the community to share their expertise with us and volunteer their time.
Our School Council Members 2024-2025
President: BJ McNeilly
Vice President: Isabelle Thomson
Secretary: Alison Wylie
Treasurer: Rebecca Beasley
Education Sub Committee: Michelle de Haan
DET Rep: Meredith Fell
Parent: Kylie D’Amico
Fundraising: Sarah Suban
Parent: Katherine Pye
Parent: Anthony Read
Grounds and Maintenance: Mark Thomson
Executive Officer: Mel McLennan