Important Dates 2024



29th - Teachers return to school

30th - First Day Back at School - Years 1-6


5th - Preps First Day of School

6th - Science of Reading Parent information Night

13th- Come and Play Session 1

20th - School Values and Welcome back BBQ

TBC - Sugarloaf District Swimming - students who have been selected

28th- Division Swimming - students who have qualified

26th/28th (March1st/5th/7th) Swimming at ELC

26th- School Council AGM


1st/5th/7th- Swimming at ELC

6th- Come and Play Session 2

TBC - Yr 6's Leadership Day

8th - Curriculum Day - No students attend school

11th - Public Holiday - Labour Day

26th/28th Swimming at ELC

13th/14th/15th NAPLAN

21st - Harmony Day

21st- Come and Play Session 3

28th - Last day of Term 1 - School Finishes at 2:20pm

29th - Good Friday



15th- Term 2 starts

16th- School Photos

25th- ANZAC DAY (No school)


7th- Come and Play session- ART

7th- 2025 Prep Information Night

13th- Curriculum Day

13th-17th- Education Week

TBC- Sugarloaf District Cross Country

15th- Return to school day

16th- Cyber Safety- Community Webinar

21st- Come and Play session- Sport

26th- Sorry Day

27th- June 3rd Reconcilliation Week

30th- Division Cross Country- students who have qualified

1st- School Fete

6th- Come and Play session- Drama

10th - Public Holiday - Monarch’s Birthday

17th- Prep Breakfast

26th- Grade 5 and 6 “Talk About it”

28th - Last day of Term 2 - School Finishes at 2:20pm



15th - First day of Term 3

24th- Bright Starts session 1

31st-100 Days of School (Prep)

25th- Grade 3/4 Hooptime

30th- Grade 5/6 Hooptime


1st- Grade 1 late stay

7th- Bright Starts session 2

8th- Grade 2 Sleepover

12th - 16th - Book Week

14th - Book Week Incursion

19th-23rd - Book Fair

22nd - Maths/STEM family night

29th - Donuts with Dad

TBC- Sugarloaf District Athletics


2nd- Curriculum Day

4th- Bright Starts session 3

12th- Division Athletics - students who have qualified

14th- R U Ok? Day

20th - Last Day Term 3 - School Finishes at 2.20pm


7th - First day of Term 4


4th- Curriculum Day

5th- Cup Day- Public Holiday

7th- Prep 2025 Information Night and “Get to know you” BBQ

8th- First Prep 2025 Transition session

13/14/15th- Camp at Portsea

22nd- Second Prep 2025 Transition session

29th- Third Prep 2025 Transition session


4th- UP day- all students meet their 2025 classmates (2025 Preps attend)

10th- Whole school transition session 2, grade 6s go to their high school

11th - Grade 6 Graduation and Dinner

16th - Fun Day

17th - End of Year Concert

20th - Last Day of the school year