Excursions / Incursions / Special Events

At Wattle Glen Primary School we provide our students with rich and engaging learning experiences that enlighten their passion for learning. Excursions and incursions allow our students to gain more knowledge from industry professionals through unique experiences.

We also hold many special events over the year. These special events are ‘Return to School Day’, the ‘Colour Explosion’, the Easter Bonnet parade, our bi-annual school production, our bi-annual school fete, the end of year concert, as well as Mothers and Fathers Day events. We do this to invite our school community into our school to experience what school is like at Wattle Glen PS.

Excursions, incursions and special events at Wattle Glen Primary School

Past excursions, incursions and special events

Camp program

  • Prep Breakfast

    In Prep, our students attend school early one morning in their pyjamas to have breakfast together.

  • Grade 1 late stay

    In Grade 1, our students attend school for dinner, games and a movie, before going home to the comfort of their own bed for the night.

  • Grade 2/3 Sleepover

    In Grades 2 and 3, our students attend school for dinner, games and a movie before settling down into their sleeping bags for an overnight sleepover. In the morning they have breakfast together before starting a school day.

  • Grade 4/5/6 Camp

    Students in Grades 4, 5 and 6 attend a three-day camp together. On camp, our students build many of their skills and begin to gain independence.

Previous camps

  • Billabong Ranch


  • The Portsea Camp


  • Waratah Beach Camp


  • PLG Camp Rumbug- Foster
